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Here are the top asked  questions by our customers. In case of you need more clarifications please don’t hesitate to contact us or send an inquiry.

The SS1 Soil Stabilizer Polymers is a water based cross linking polymer that increases the strength of a wide range of soils.

The SS1 Soil Stabilizer Polymers are environmentally safe and are manufactured with the Highest Quality ingredients. They have been proven effective in both the lab and the field. Their ease of use and wide range of applications make the SS1 Soil Stabilizer Polymers the choice of professionals worldwide.

Yes. The SS1 Soil Stabilizer Polymers coats each contaminated particle with a flexible durable coating that prevents leaching and protects the environment.

Yes. Standard cone penetrometer equipment can be used. Core sampling is not recommended as this can damage the long strings of cross-linking polymer.

No. All standard road construction equipment can be used with The SS1 Soil Stabilizer Polymers.

You need something to rip the road and break up the surface like a Meri Crusher, a spray truck, road grader and smooth drum vibration compactor.

Yes. The durability of an un-surfaced soil stabilized treated layer will depend on the stone content in the treated soil. A wearing surface is recommended for roads that are constantly used by 40+ tone vehicles. The wearing surface can be a top coat of The SS1 Soil Stabilizer Polymers.

OMC is Optimum Moisture Content and this represents the moisture level necessary to achieve maximum density after compaction for soil stabilization.

Yes. After spraying the blend of soil to be stabilized with The SS1 Soil Stabilizer Polymers you squeeze the treated soil firmly in your hand. If it binds together, with no moisture leaching through your fingers, then the treated layer is ready for compaction.

Subgrade is the area of native soil below the surface material layer and the sub-base.

This is usually the grade left after excavation when starting a project. Sub-base is the layer directly below the surface material layer that is made of up compacted, crushed base rock. The sub-base is a critical part of any pathway or patio project.

Yes, The Polymer soil stabilized roads can be repaired easily, no matter how big or small the area.

The SS1 Soil Stabilizer Polymers has a unique bond-back capability that ensures that damaged areas bond naturally to a previously treated area. Moreover the repaired area will attain the same strength as the previously treated original areas.

Roads can be open for traffic within 24 hours, in normal conditions. Full curing takes up to 15 – 28 days depending on conditions and nature of soil.

When there is no rain forecast for 3 hours following the installation. If it does rain just re-work the treated soil to release some of the excess moisture.

The SS1 Soil Stabilizer Polymers soil stabilizer can be used to repair potholes, yes. But it is advisable to spray the exposed pothole first with The SS1 Soil Stabilizer Polymers, then fill the hole with The SS1 Soil Stabilizer Polymers treated soil, compact and over-spray the surface. With The Future Soil Stabilizer Polymers it is important to spray past the edges of the pothole repair as this prevents water ingress.

Yes. Working with The SS1 Soil Stabilizer Polymers is 50% to 75% faster than conventional road construction and will reduce costs by 40-60%.

A minimum of 35% fines passing through a 0.63 sieve and no stone larger than 20% of the layer depth being soil stabilized. The SS1 Soil Stabilizer Polymers is effective with cohesive and non-cohesive materials, even desert sand.

Roads, Plaster works, manufacture of bricks/blocks from a wide variety of locally available on-site materials and construction waste.

Surface deterioration could occur after 10 years on un-surfaced roads. Soil stabilized layers are projected to last over 20 years.

 After optimum  curing it produces a flexible layer.

Yes. Treated soils have later been crushed and then used to grow grass and plants.

When freshly applied, product could splash on vehicles driving over the surface or on nearby vehicles. Freshly splashed product can be flushed off with water. Dried product can be cleaned with hot water and detergent.

Yes. The SS1 Soil Stabilizer can increase the weight bearing capacity by 4 to 6 times as measured by the CBR (California Bearing Ratio).

Unpaved roads and shoulders, helicopter landing zones, tank trails, any type of stockpile (soil, aggregate, etc.),parking lots and unpaved open areas (concert venues, construction sites, etc.).

 It is not necessary to grade the road for basic topical applications for dust control. However, if the road is rough we do recommend grading it first.

The water for dilution of Soil Stabilizer does not need to be potable. Most any fresh water source or sea water is compatible with Soil Stabilizer. A quick test can be performed in the field by mixing a small quantity of Soil Stabilizer with the water in a small container (jar or bottle).

If after several minutes the mixture remains liquefied and smooth, the water is suitable for use.

 Soil Stabilizer will create a bonded surface stopping particles of dust such as Particulate Matters (PM10) and Particulate Matters (PM2.5) from entering the air.

It is white in appearance when applied but dries clear keeping the natural aesthetics of the surface.

 When freshly applied, product could splash on vehicles driving over the surface or on nearby vehicles. Freshly splashed product can be flushed off with water. Dried product can be cleaned with hot water and detergent.

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