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Water-based printing ink

The water-based ink is mainly processed by composite grinding of water-based resin, pigment, solvent, and related additives. Water-based inks are especially suitable for packaging and printing products with strict hygiene conditions such as tobacco, wine, food, beverages, medicines, and children's toys. Compared with traditional inks, it has a fast-drying speed, low odor, and low VOC. The diluent is water and alcohol, and there is no risk of fire.

Weak solvent ink absorbing coating

It is used for improved treatment of substrates with poor ink adhesion, providing ink absorption and ink fixing properties. Excellent adhesion to a variety of substrates.

Textile ink absorbing coating

Textile printing coating glue is applied to non-woven fabrics, cotton fabrics, chemical fiber cloths, and other materials for ink absorption and solid ink

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